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Christ calls us to share our financial blessings for the greater good.  We respond by giving back with generosity.

Text to Give

Text to Give Number (203) 689-7515

  • For a One Time Gift, text amount (example: text “$50” to give a one time amount of $50)
  • For a Pledge Payment, text amount and Pledge (example: text “$50 Pledge” to give $50 to pledges)
Give Online

Your secure online payment is processed by Stripe, a certified Payment Card Industry (PCI) Level 1 Service Provider. This is the most stringent level of certification available in the payments industry.


Ready to give?

Set up an automatic online payment for your 2024 pledge!

Give Online allows you to easily set up recurring donations.

Use the pull down arrows on the right to see more options, and select “Give to Gifts for Pledges 2024.” Then decide the frequency with which you would like to donate (one time, weekly, every two weeks, monthly, or yearly).  Then select a start date in 2024, and whether you would prefer to give via ACH bank transfer or credit / debit card.

Text to Give

Text to Give Number (203) 689-7515

  • For a One Time Gift, text amount (example: text “$50” to give a one time amount of $50)
  • For a Pledge Payment, text amount and Pledge (example: text “$50 Pledge” to give $50 to pledges)
Planned Giving

The world asks, “What does a person own?” God asks, “How does a person use what he or she has been given?” Anonymous

Planned giving responds to God’s grace by leaving a legacy of gratitude that will help assure the continued vitality and mission of First Presbyterian Church of New Haven. Generous legacies from those who came before us support our work in our community, within our church walls and beyond.

Your legacy gift could be in the form of a charitable gift annuity that pays life income, an insurance policy, a trust, a gift of stock or property, or a gift from a retirement benefit plan or individual retirement account.

Planned gifts may provide tax benefits for the donor and heirs. A legacy gift of any size  is significant and gratefully appreciated. The best gift is one that is appropriate for your circumstances and desires.

If you would like more information about planned giving or to discuss the possibilities of making a legacy or other charitable gift, please contact Mary Porterfield, at or call the Church office at (203) 562-5664.

2024 Pledges

Our Church As One: Living Faithfully Now

Stewardship is our responsibility to use wisely the gifts that God has given us.  Everyone has a part to play in giving of time, talents, and treasure – monetary support – to make sure our ministry can be sustained.  Our church has no endowment and no debt. We rely on yearly donations to fund staff, outreach, community life, and building operations.  Pledges remove some of the uncertainty within funding our budget, so we can confidently carry out our mission.  First Presbyterian Church of New Haven is a church that seeks to ease suffering, accompany the oppressed, and meet the needs of God’s people.

Please let us know about your intentions to give in 2024.

You can either fill out a Pledge Card, or email the Stewardship Team at 

It is helpful for us to know:

  • Total amount for 2024
  • Frequency of intended giving (weekly, monthly, annually, etc.)
  • Contact information (name, address, email, and phone number)
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