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Celebration of Black History – Readings and Music

Bible Text: Joshua 3 7:17; Matthew 3:4-6, 13-17 | Pastor: FPCNH Choir | Series: The Living Water | Readings and Music
James Weldon Johnson, “The Creation”
Wade in the Water (arr. Hogan)
Bruce Peabody, solo

Joshua 3:7-17
Roll, Jordan, Roll (arr. Gray)

Jeremiah 17:5-8, 12-13
Like a Tree (Douroux)

*Hymn 834 Precious Lord, Take My Hand PRECIOUS LORD

Langston Hughes, “The Negro Speaks of Rivers”
Deep River (arr. Haywood)

Matthew 3:4-6, 13-17
Honor, Honor (arr. Johnson)
Alisa Dunovant, solo

Elizabeth Anderson, “Praise Song for the Day”
Music Down in My Soul (Hogan)
Affirmation of Faith
Grateful for God’s loving action,
We cannot keep from singing.

We sing of the Creator,
who made humans to live
and move and have their being in God.

We sing of Jesus,
a Jew,
born to a woman in poverty
in a time of social upheaval and political oppression.
He knew human joy and sorrow.
So filled with the Holy Spirit was he
that in him people experienced the presence of God among them.

We sing of God the Spirit,
faithful and untamable,
who is creatively and redemptively active in the world.
The Spirit challenges us to celebrate
the holy not only in what is familiar,
but also in that which seems foreign.

Grateful for God’s loving action,
we cannot keep from singing.
Creating and seeking relationship,
in awe and trust,
we witness to Holy Mystery who is Wholly Love. Amen.

~excerpted from Song of Faith of The United Church of Canada (2006)

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