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Our Church, As One: Living Faithfully Now

What is Stewardship?

Stewardship is our responsibility to use wisely the gifts that God has given us.  Everyone has a part to play in giving of time, talents, and treasure – monetary support – to make sure our ministry can be sustained.  Our church has no endowment and no debt. We rely on yearly donations to fund staff, outreach, community life, and building operations.  Pledges remove some of the uncertainty within funding our budget, so we can confidently carry out our mission.  First Presbyterian Church of New Haven is a church that seeks to ease suffering, accompany the oppressed, and meet the needs of God’s people.

Please let us know what you plan to give to support the mission of  First Presbyterian Church in 2025.

You can either fill out a Pledge Card, or email the Stewardship Team at 

It is helpful for us to know:

  • Total amount of intended support for 2025
  • Frequency of intended giving (weekly, monthly, annually, etc.)
  • Contact information (name, address, email, and phone number)
Our mission in action
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